United Utilities Telephone Number

United Utilities Telephone Number

  1. Description

Full Description

United Utilities Telephone Number


0844 448 5114

Calls cost 7p per minute plus your phone company's access charge.

To speak with a customer service representative please dial the united utilities telephone number.

By dialing the above united utilities telephone number you will be connected directly to a united utilities customer service representative. Once connected the representative will be able to assist you with any of your inquires including billing and payments or moving home and change of address. Business customers can also use the above united utilities telephone number for help and support.

United utilities are the UK’s largest water company and have been operating in the UK since 1995.The company manages the north west of England and supplies water to around 7 million customers.

 United utilities prides itself on providing excellent levels of customer service and when dialling the united utilities telephone number customers can expect to be dealt with quickly and efficiently.


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