B&Q Telephone Number

B&Q Telephone Number

  1. Description

Full Description

B&Q Telephone Number

0844 448 2944

Calls cost 7p per minute plus your phone company's access charge. You can find the B&Q Telephone Number above. B&Q plc is a British DIY and home improvement company originally named Block and Quayle. B&Q was founded in 1969 by Richard Block and David Quayle, since then they have come a long way and now have over 380 stores and over 29,000 employees. They are now headquartered in Hampshire, England. B&Q specialise in DIY, Home improvement, Gardening supplies and tools. B&Q is one of the most if not the largest DIY retail chain in the UK. If you would like to contact customer services then please call the B&Q Telephone Number above.

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