Asda Telephone Number

Asda Telephone Number

  1. Description

Full Description

Asda Telephone Number

0844 448 1744

Calls cost 7p per minute plus your phone company's access charge. You can find the Asda Telephone Number above. The retail store Asda was founded in 1949 under the name of Associated Dairies and Farm Store ltd. It then took the name of ASDA in 1965, ASDA is an abbreviation of the original name when founded in 1949. It was founded in Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom. Asda’s first store was in Leeds now it has branched out to over 565 stores and still creating more, they have over 175,000 employees also with them creating more stores this is creating more jobs which is great for the economy. Asda is a British super market chain often known as the UK’s version of the American WalMart. They retail in; Groceries, Electronics, Food, general merchandise, toys, clothes, financial advice and most recent the EE mobile network came to Asda in November 2013. They turn over £638 million income a year and use the slogan ‘Britain’s Lowest Priced Supermarket 16 years running’. In the order of largest retail stores in the UK they come third, with Tesco being the first and Sainsbury’s being the second. Asda’s head office is still based in Leeds where it was founded, ASDA HOUSE, Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK. Asda is mainly known for its low prices but not just that, they are also known for their own clothing brand ‘George’. This is a clothing brand designed only for Asda and retails at low prices, they sell anything from Underwear/Pyjamas to Smart/Casual wear. Many parents shop here for their children’s school uniform as Asda is well known for providing a quality but low cost uniform. If you would like to contact someone at Asda please call the Asda Telephone Number above.

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